Write For Us

Writing For Touchscreen Gaming

The mobile gaming world is growing fast, thanks to better smartphones and popular console games going mobile. At Touchscreen Gaming, we want to be your go-to source for all things mobile gaming.

But we need your help to cover it all!

Writing Requirements

If you’re a serious mobile gamer who loves expressing ideas on paper (or the keyboard), and aims to make a splash in the gaming community, you might be just our type.

Before you shoot us your write-up, check these must-haves. We’re swamped with requests, so we’re giving priority to those who:

  1. Nail written English.
  2. Navigate gaming post structures, catchy headings, and all that jazz.
  3. Hit post deadlines on the dot.
  4. Deliver original content made by real humans.

Topics Covered

At Touchscreen Gaming, we usually talk about:

  • Beginner guides
  • Reviews of mobile games
  • Building the perfect character
  • Countdown lists, like our top 5 or 10 picks
  • The latest news and game updates

Got cool ideas? Share ’em! We’re all ears and totally open to fresh contributions. Don’t hold back!

How To Apply

Got ideas? Send ’em our way at [email protected].

We’re always on the lookout for creative individuals to join our writing team. If you think you’re a great fit, we want to hear from you!